From 11 July 2022 to 16 July 2022, a training for young adults on active participation of young people in society took place at the Celje Youth Centre. The training was attended by 10 participants from the EU countries of Spain, Greece, Italy and Slovenia. We tried out different methods that we learned and discussed during the training of youth workers in Africa.
We were invited to present and test the knowledge and methodologies we have acquired to motivate young people and, as a result, their active participation in society, which is fundamental for democracy.
The positive impact of active youth participation cannot be denied, both at a personal and social level. It improves individual autonomy, the achievement of goals and the acquisition of different competences, and has a positive impact on the quality of life in society.
The knowledge acquired proved to be extremely useful and the reception of the approaches and methods was very positive, especially among the younger generation, which is just starting to participate actively.
It is important to motivate and encourage young people to integrate into society from the very beginning, as social acceptance is crucial to one’s functioning in such a society.
Youth organisations are also an important link in motivating young people to become active members of society, enabling them to embrace and realise unique ideas and work on projects that they find interesting. It is in therefore very important for youth workers to be able to motivate, guide and encourage young people to participate actively. The positive reception of young people’s ideas and their realisation has proved to be of fundamental importance in motivating young people to further participate in society.
We tested methods to encourage young people to become actively involved in society, through a series of workshops. The goal for all is a healthy democratic society that encourages free ideas and individual autonomy.

The Archery Workshop took place on 5th of July. There were 20 participants, from age 18 to 29 years old. The goal was to introduce archery to wider group of people, of both sexes and of all abilities and disabilities.
Archery helps buid muscle endurance and flexibility, it may also help with developing hand eye coordination, body strength, it teaches discipline, self-control and respect. Researches done by Coaches and teachers, who are involved in school archery had shown that archery is also interesting to those, who usually do not like to participate and enjoy sports. So it is a great option fort he non-sporty young people and of course also those, who want to try something new. Archery can also give one a strong sense of personal achievement.
The main goal was to introduce the benefits of archery to young people. We wanted to see if a sport such as archery can be used as a method to encourage youngsters to actively participate in a society. With this workshop we used practical approach. Firstly, we introduced archery as a sport. We devided participants into smaller groups and then we started with a practice, that lasted for an hour. After that we had one hour of qualification round, where the participants had their chance to practice new skills. After half an hour lunch break, we started the archery competition, where our participants could actually used and show the knowlege they have gained, such as self-control and concentration. All of this competences are important and can be used as a tool to help motivate young people in active participation.

The Create, Cook and Consume workshop took place on 7th of July in Celje Youth Centre. There were 16 participants from age 15-29 along with teachers. This workshop gave youngsters an opportunity to get an experience of catering and a taster of a jov in food/catering industry.
We aim to show youngsters how on fun, educational and tasty way prepare a number of food themes such as one-pot dishes, take-away favourites, food for mood and concentration, cooking on a budget, health eating and cooking for profit!
The main goal was to help young people lead healthier lifestyles and change their attitude towards food and preparing your own meals. We also wanted to encourage them to lead a helthier lifestyle, to change eating habits and raise awarness about the importance of healthy and sustainable eating habits. It can also be a good introduction into entrepreneurship and self-employment as a possible career pathway.
Sustainable use of ingredients can also have a big impact on the society, so we encourage young people to zero waste life. In this workshop we used practical approach and it lasted for three hours. After the introduction and division into groups, we started with the preparation for further cooking. The ones who decided to make apple pie, started peeling the apples and preparing the dough. After a thirty minutes lunch break, we gave participants some time to put their dishes together and cook/bake them. Last but not least, we made an evaluation of the workshop, while trying out the dishes we had prepared.

First aid workshop took place on 14th of July. There were 20 participants between age 13 and 20 years old. The main goal of the workshop is to raise knowlege about essential first aid skills, because it is very important for younger generation to know how to react if they find themselves in certain situation that requires to help others and can potentionally save lives.
The aim was to help young people build the confidence and willingness to help someone in an emergency, using everyday objects that they have around them. They were also told where to seek support if they have an injury or illness, as well as introducing them to the work that we do in Slovenia. In Firs aid workshop we used theoretical as well as practical approach. After a short introduction and division into smaller groups, participants had listened to short introdutional lecture about the importance of first aid and how to react if we see a person in need. After that there was one hour of prectical approach about how to cure illnesses. After a lunch break, participants got to try out their skills in helping people with injuries. They were told how to react if they see someone, who needs help. The last 15 minutes, we di dan evaluation of the workshop and it seemed youngsters really learned some new skills, that are going to help them if they find themselves in an unexpected situation.

Journalism workshop took place on 18th of July. There were 10 participants between age 15 and 29 years old. The main goal was to introduce journalism as a potentional profession. The aim was to present definitions and identifications of news stories. What is a difference between news story and what are necessary components of a news story. We also aimed to offer an introduction into entrepreneurship and self-employment as a possible career pathway.
The class was suitable suitable for those looking to become freelancers, expand on pre-existing freelance gigs, or find entry-level media. Students with undergraduate degrees can take this class to test their aptitude and appetite for graduate school in journalism. Other students may want to explore personal interest along the lines of a hobby or to learn how to tell nonfiction stories focused on environmental or political causes, business or non-profit organizations, and other interests.
In the first ten minutes of the workshop we introduced journalism and where we can use gained skills in everyday life. We used theoretical as well as practical approach. First two hours there was a lacture about journalism and what are the important components of a good news story. We talked about the best sources where we can get information. As there are a lot of fake news nowadays, a journalist should be very careful and picky about his sources. This particular workshop in very imortant for everyday life of the participants and their active participation in the society.
After the lunch break, participants had two hours to write and record the news stories they had created. They got to pick the topic themselves, the only rule was to take into consideration all the important things we talked about in the theoretical part of the workshop. Ater that all the participants had to present their outputs.
It is very important for young people to know what is the best way to present a certain story, to be interesting fort he ones reading/listening/watching it.
Last but not least we did the evaluation survey on the workshop, so participants could express their opinion on what they learned, what they missed, what will maybe be useful for their further journalism ”career”.

Re-connecting with nature workshop took place on 21 of August. There were 35 participants from 15 to 29 years old. Tha main goal was to help participants remember the importance that nature has in our lives.
The aim of the Re-Connecting with Nature one-day workshop is to increase and strengthen the importance of nature that can help children and youth to spend more time appreciating, understanding and acting for the natural world while being physically active in the outdoors. The workshop audience is diverse and includes youth group leaders, students, high school students and teachers.
Participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to understand the value and key concepts in reconnecting children and youth with nature. They will also improve their skills in facilitating experiences in nature with others, identify valuable ideas, activities and resources for this work.
Most importantly they will have fun and get to know other resourceful people, strengthen networks of people committed to reconnecting others with nature. In first ten minutes we introduced the route to Celjska koča to the participants. Then we started with a hike. We walked for an hour. At the destination, we had lunch and then we returned to MCC, where we did a chort evaluation.

The Stop motion animation workshop took place on 4th of August. There were 15 participants, from 15 to 29 years old. This workshop enhances learning through the visual and creative language for all age groups. We wanted to show the participants how to use modern digital technology to animate, edit, and produce their short films, providing a primer to contemporary media.
We aim to show youngsters how is stop motion animation one of the simplest and most effective ways to create an impressive animation, and our workshop leader teaches students how to make stop motion animation step by step, frame by frame.
Using common resources with fresh approaches to tell a story requires students to think about their subjects in new ways and see their materials in a new light. Animations can be imaginative and surreal as possible through the use of Post-It notes, collage, 3D models and even the human body.
Reading and writing skills can be developed through storytelling, and other academic subjects can be explored as well, such as science, maths and history. This arts workshop can get students thinking about other educational endeavours in creatively refreshed ways. Firstly, we did a short introduction and then we divided the participants into smaller groups. In the first part of the workshop, participants ha dan hour to record different situations and then another hour to analyse analyze finished recording. They got to choose their own topic of the stop motion animation. After the lunch break every group had to present their final work and explain what was the point of it. After all the groups had presented their work, we asked participants to grade each other’s work. At the end we did a short evaluation.

Tree planting workshop took place on the 29th of July. There were 35 participants, from 15 to 29 years old. The main goal was to show the importance of green enviroment. We wanted to show young people that everyone can take part in making the city greener and providing better future for further generations.
We aim to cultivate a lasting legacy of environmental sustainability by engaging local communities in tree planting. We believe that participation in our workshops will contribute to social integration at a local level.
With this workshop we only used practical approach. First there was a short introdution and division into smaller groups. Then we started planting trees. What makes this workshop special and so important is, that participants can acctually come and see how their tree is growing over the years. This is also a good exercise to encourage youngsters to grow their own fruits and vegetables.
After we finished the workshop, we did a short evaluation.